Saturday, March 11, 2023



Flibbertigibbet, gossip and chatter seated on a bench, 
query each other, "What do we have in common."
The singsong chorus echoes "repetitive letters in each word".

The reiterative trait resembling human nature, 
draining energies in its indulgence, a daily itinerary for many,
a difficult practice to shrug off, eroding smoothness in many a relationship.

Men pointing fingers at women for perfecting the art,
office vending machines, smoking alleys begging to differ.
Majority relishing it's flavours, a few handfuls skimming the veracity.

Egoistic mind enjoying its spread, juicy punches promoting facial exercise,
coffins and funerals insufficiently strewing gossips of the dead,
breathing mortals stitching it over time.

Social media, news, its newfound besties,
day or night, any corner of the globe,
scandals on sandals trot and quench 
mundane insatiable appetite for oxytocin.

One breeds the other, hearsays multiply,
written words displace countless canards,
history rewritten and taught,
rumour mocks at the real truth,
binned in the park's litter.  

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