Tuesday, June 28, 2022


The glass half empty, or glass half full
a hackneyed maxim reliant
on viewer's disposition.

Is it as simple as it reverberates 
or is it the script in our head 
that tightens the knots?

Scripts scribbled in invisible ink
our mind harping them tirelessly
our ego smiling to see it cemented.

Years pass the concrete 
firms our stance
a thin whiff of malleability
sweats to squeeze in.

Existence then, a ping pong match
each one's script bouncing
against the other.

The unwrapped erasers of the psyche
cocooned next to the fat book, lust to shrink
Look out for the permanent markers
screams the glass half full or half empty.

It ain't easy, squirms the ego
Repair the script to match others, 
Keep attempting, says the glass
Isn't other's script also
worth a look? 

This poem is a reference to how opinions get fixated, convincing or getting convinced both then becoming a challenge with age.

Sunday, June 19, 2022


Bruised survivors scavenging familial limbs

eyes blinded by scarlet puking earth

split toes poking the stranded ripped shoe 

a finish only we ought to be see 

with salted popcorn for company.

Yet human intelligence defies all borders

the thrill to annihilate to irresistible

video games insatiable to 

whet real human appetite

Oozing red, bruised blue

the preferred colours of global leaders.

Death, the most marketable commodity

Countries the most zealous customers

hoarding  tools of destruction.

Man made borders and contempt 

drawing human extinction.

The flock of birds hovering 

above the corpses have the last laugh.

Colour, borders, nationalities

non existent in their orbit

whole world now served on

a free platter for them to share.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Your inconceivable power

we pine to utter you 

use you from 

the moment 

our senses blink.

The mind in a perineal 

rush to form you 

even in dreams,

we use you

lest you get perturbed.

At times you bruise

At times you bandage 

The sedative effect you induce

the calming feeling you lull

the charisma you allure with.

You quench every poet's thirst

every author's fancy.

Love torments in your absence,

Human mind is orphaned without you.

Monday, June 13, 2022


Mushrooms of  pinkish purple tint
The blurred reflection heightening
the aesthetics.

The beauty arrests my attention 
only if you are next to me.

Argumentative moments,
sulking times do not escape us
yet every born thought of mine
gropes for your companionship.

Your presence multiplies the 
charm of the environs
be it the violet mushrooms
or the glowworms dazzling. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


 You never cease to surprise me

Each time l see you

I pine for your touch

Your salty smell intoxicates me.

The bubbles and froth beckon me 

to immerse my body and soul 

The clinging moss and algae 

do not bother me.

Size doesn't matter to you, for the dolphins

and tiny fish swim in harmony

nor does colour, the jellyfish swims 

sans contempt with the black sea bass.

The plastic caps and cans bruise your heart

Your beauty tattooed with  litter

I try to feel your clean vein

Strands of mixed shreds whirl me

I untangle it, 

but the corals and weeds seem asphyxiated.

You are blessed to be salty

else mankind would have parched you.


Your depths hold mysteries unravelled

Your heights a wavy treat for the surfers

You expand tickling surfaces unknown

You contract to cup in palms of  dear ones. 

Your tides hold gossips of all maritime farers 

Be it the fisherman in his dingy boat

Or the lofty ships that sail across.

Your very image evokes emotions unheard

words scratch each other to form unseen lexicon

Every time I visit you, a calmness suits me up

I can never have enough of you.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

A beautiful life

Energy, a word encountered in science books

Positive energy  the buzz word every one hooks

Enthusiasm, positive vibes uplift mood

Eternal yearning always for this food. 

Untimely shocks slow down life's languid pace

A sprinkle of positivity aids  catch up the race

Sometimes l wonder, where to look for positivity

to erase my anger, mood swings and negativity,

Abundantly pregnant with positivity are some

through podcasts and Ted talks offer to the lonesome.

Yet at moments of dark hour, none of these make a gentle tour

Mind then harbours negativity, body responds in duplicity.

How I wish positivity was a subject at school

Each one of us would have had a beautiful tool.

It's all about training the mind, say the wise

Wish it were so easy then all of us would get the prize,

Ascending into years where aches prefer our companionship

positive energy is the much sought after blue chip

To never leave, it needs lot of tricks and treats 

My day begins with a treasure hunt for motivational sweets.