We wait for you yearlong, come to give us the
mischievous green grins, smiley blue hugs, moisty red handshakes,bright pink cheeks and peepy orange chins.
Each colour's multiple owners cloaked in sprightly shades of confusion.
A hotchpotch of chuckles and giggles paint roads and homes
no pause for sweetshops till machines,
the beams of online shopping sites and shops.
The five-year-old naming colours of her recognition
the toothless riot on grandpa's moustache
grandma's moist eyelashes in kitchen lost,
in bucket splashes on friends of college days
sweet aromas decked on bowls shared with friends and family.
Friends smeared with hues of invisible attachments.
Each Indian family a lavish palette for painter's canvas,
a smile on sun's lips for this new colourful global patch
Egos washed, pains and cramps dissolved,
the festival of Holi, a welcome knock for every Indian door.