Monday, January 30, 2023


The streaming WHISPERS in the head, 

rolling into monstrous BAWL
a JOKE on human inability to control the mind.

Other senses GROAN BEGGING to be orphaned
THUNDEROUS ego SHRIEKS for control
WAILS hitting blank walls of the inflated brain.
Mankind AGREES time and again.

Why do we lend our keyboard to others always?
For how long will we let others type our responses?
Why can't we defy the maxim?
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Mankind has domesticated beasts, caged them in zoos,
can't we tame the human mind
can't it stop exercising the moment our eyes open
can't it wait for our command or request to pursue its activity
does it not get exhausted?

The unsuspecting outside world JABBERS
their wild minds webbed in filigree of cacophony.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


A handful of sand sieves through fingers

each granule similar to the other and yet so dissimilar

coated with footprints unknown of camels and people,

concealing stories of eons

shifting witness to Beduin tribal wars and victories

textures of foreign rule

crudeness of explored oil and gas. 

Slipping through other fingers

the waves sweating a few patches, 

toes outlining them on the beach,

damp particles contrasting talcum sand,

slipping indoors

a cleaning reminder of the dusty sandstorms 

boxing another storyline

Few Arab sands caught in the eye,

wiping and draining a moist tear on the cheek

brush to feel floating sand filamented with mine.

Each one of us just like the granule, alike yet so different.

Monday, January 16, 2023


Two braids accompanying an affectionate smile,

greetings of an exuberant girl of ten on a warm day,

in a place new to me and her.

The day's warmth, pale in comparison to hers

her tenderness and her doting

an inescapable find for kids who know her,

my daughter the privileged few.

Daughter of my spouse's friend, 

three years of unconditional love and support 

the lovely family our hearts tucked in.

Time compounding the warmth,

trips, holidays, festivals each outracing

the other to be more memorable with them.

Tracing the girl's progress, passing years

sketched our hearts with pride and joy.

The pigtails disappeared, tens rounding to twenties,

her affection found a new attachment for life.

Aptly named Sunanda, 

happiness and care are her permanent robes.

An independent girl settled in a different continent,

every mention of hers glows her parents faces.

Scattering enthusiasm, her second nature

friendliness, her first.

Fortunate is the guy, who found this jewel,

and wealthy the family whose surname she will carry.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 Cuddly pigeons on the bent swinging branch

stare at the silhouettes in the window,

outlines trapped in their own thoughts

the window masking their inner narratives.

Faces clashing feelings of passers by

captured and delivered to residents

The flapping pigeons, teeming pedestrians

unaware of unpaid bystander's glances

meet their day's claims.

Decoding encrypted ponderings

the occupied window glass sill

reflects the occupants' contemplations

a by stander's occasional gaze

bounces the sentiment.

Dusting perceived mortal imprints

the pair of pigeons soar above

the window caricaturing their outline.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023



Too many sides of me, some sides discarded now

bits and pieces dispersed across places lived

sides of carelessness, impatience and ego

each side outwitting the other

added toppings of sensitivity and moodiness

a layered crust of damage crystallized. 

Inundated with bursting negativity

stress enthusiastically perched and nested 

multiple choices available 

aches and pains using body as an Airbnb.

Sunk in debris trenches deep, 

soot covered ounces of me 

gasped for therapeutic scrubs to exfoliate.

Relentless inability to sort myself out

tested many Google quacks.

Times loathing the garbage accumulated

at times, relief for picking a new trail.

Gaping at shocking footprint 

of inner frailties

learning to be with myself

discerning the real me.

Trudging, unlocking life's riddle with different keys

few priceless carved keys added to my bunch.

Appreciation for the tortoise, whose pace 

mimicked unfastened a me, unaware of. 

Each new day, a search of me by me.