Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 Insults and wintery chill

the more we assume, the more it clutches us. 

Reminiscing about hot tomato soups and buttered bread

a cosy family of four around 

the pastel flowered sun Maica table

the hot and piping charcoaled sweet potatoes

my father peeling fondly 

for yearning eyes and mouths of mine and my sister.

The bursting of crackers, visits of friends and families

the exchange of sweet packets, the hugs and smiles

the siblings outrace to draw arty patterns on veranda 

and lighting of terraced earthen lamps

the joy of new clothes, 

Diwali, a warm light each winter ushers.

Winters now in Arab deserts, 

a treasured time with family

lightened with daughter's yearly Christmas visit

snuggled catching up under thick cosy blankets

listening to tales of life of cold London months

and spouse's scattered jokes.

Eyes awakening to blooming pink and purple flowers

caressing the walled fence

morning walks breathing the crisp chill desert air

Picnics on grass in weekends

Fingers encircling hot mugs of tea

A winter my senses nestle for each year.

Thursday, December 22, 2022


His smile brightens the fridge door

a person dearly missed 

contemplate his often-spoken syllables

"Getting bored, getting bored", 

snatched away on the threshold of nineties

bored a term, I fear.

Idleness is

creative to garner new interests

slow moving for the sick and solitary

challenging for the insecure loners

scary if seeks self-pity as an alias.

 A homemaker by label

lots of spare moments nestle in 

few vacant stares a day a required lull

incalculable gazes 

brews cynical threats

Scares me for negativity starts 

its chant of perfection.

Persistent irrigation for cultivated


poetry one of the few 

Sudoku, music, tutoring, exercise 

the other companions of the day.

On the doorway to sixties

my smile corresponds to his smile

I may exceed his age some day 

hope I conquer the inescapable

with enthusiastic pursuits.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Each letter of alphabet inquiring the other, 
did we not come together to name countries
Ukraine, Syria, Israel or Serbia
to name a few.

Are the names not endearing
then why are we being sliced?
Why does peace elude my people
What did we err?

Church, mosque or temple
isn't it where mortals congregate
Then why another meet at the border?

Online sites abundant for mankind
A gift of urgent need 
but no sale or offer 
even on a Black Friday.
Where can I buy peace?

Is there any country left 
unblemished by war
Mankind's innovation
some creating arms for annihilation
some devising apps to meet and chat

We need no online apps or sites
to squander or chat.
All we need is you
Peace, be heroic to embrace us 
for we live in perennial fear of one another.